Q338 : Step and End-Point Modes for Profile Specification in SESCAD

What are the differences between the "Step" and the "End-Point" modes for profile specification in SESCAD?

There are no real differences between the "Step" and "End-Point" modes for the specification of profiles in SESCAD. Ultimately, all data gets written in "Step" mode in the MALT, MALZ or HIFREQ file. This feature is only a data entry convenience.

The "Step" mode is the traditional way of specifying a profile, in which you have to specify the increments (dX, dY, dZ) between successive points in a profile. The "End-Point" mode allows you to specify the end point of the profile instead of the increments.

In both cases, the coordinates of the starting point of the profile must be specified. Also, the desired number of points in the profile must be specified. An advantage of the step mode is that you can specify the desired number of points indirectly by specifying the distance between successive points on the profile.

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  • Created on 11/30/2001
  • Last Modified on 12/03/2004
  • Last Modified by Administrator.
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