Q278 : Exporting MALT Computation Data

Is there any way to export the computation data from a MALT/MALZ/HIFREQ run in Output Toolbox?


This can be done in the Advanced screen in Output Toolbox. You can export the "raw" computation data using the Export Raw Data to File feature, or you can create a formatted report listing the data of interest.

The first option is more useful when the data is to be exported to another program, like Excel. The numerical data is exported in columnar format, with the columns separated by commas, tabs, or space characters. The comma-separated format, in particular, can easily be imported into Excel.

The second option creates a report that is easier to read, and contains extra information (such as whether the computed value exceeds the safety limits).

To export the data, first select Computations in the MALT, MALZ or HIFREQ main screen for Output Toolbox, then click on Advanced. In the resulting screen, you can select the range of points and profiles for which the data should be exported, either manually or graphically (with the Zoom feature).

After setting the report options, click on Proceed. A file containing the data will be generated and displayed in the "View Reports" tab of GraRep.

This report can be saved to disk, or manipulated by cut-and-paste operations to complete the export operation.

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  • Created on 04/21/2000
  • Last Modified on 12/03/2004
  • Last Modified by Administrator.
  • Article has been viewed 113524 times.