Q231 : Extracting Data from a F09 File

How can I extract data from a F09 file and export it to a Excel?


The F09 files generated by the CDEGS engineering programs contain table headers and page separators that make it somewhat difficult to extract the numerical data from the tables containing the computation results. The FileView utility (that can be accessed from the File View/Print/Plot button on the main CDEGS screen) can help with this process. Some features of this utility allow you to strip non-numerical data from a range of selected text, and to copy the resulting "filtered" text to the clipboard.

To use FileView to export data for Excel:

  1. Click File View/Print/Plot in CDEGS, and select the file containing the data to export.
  2. In FileView, select the range of text containing the data to export.
  3. Select Edit | Filter Format | Tab Separated.
  4. Select Edit | Filter And Copy. This removes all numerical data from the selection, and copies the resulting data to the clipboard.
  5. Paste the data in Excel.

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  • Created on 11/08/1999
  • Last Modified on 12/06/2004
  • Last Modified by Administrator.
  • Article has been viewed 61382 times.