Q312 : RMS versus Peak Values in CDEGS Software

When working with MALT, MALZ and HIFREQ, are the computation results expressed as RMS values or as peak-to-peak values?

The energization values (currents, voltages, etc...) can be specified either as RMS or as peak values in those MALT, MALZ, and HIFREQ. If you specify the energizations as RMS values, the computed results (earth potentials, electromagnetic fields, current distribution, etc...) are going to be expressed as RMS values. If you specify the energizations as peak values, those same results are going to be expressed as peak values.

The only precaution to take is when you have several energizations, in which case all of them must be specified in the same way (either RMS or peak).

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  • Created on 11/08/2001
  • Last Modified on 12/03/2004
  • Last Modified by Administrator.
  • Article has been viewed 109046 times.